FLOTD is Kelly from Richmond

FLOTD is Kelly from Richmond!

Occupation? Sales Representative
Relationship status? Happily taken
Favorite WIIL Rock band? Shinedown
Hobbies? Drawing, painting, MUSIC
Favorite position? On the couch… In sweatpants and remote in hand
Cocktails with a celebrity? Rum with Johnny Depp
Favorite food? Cheese fries
Most embarrassing moment? Falling UP a flight of stairs in front of my high school crush
Craziest thing you’ve ever done? Downloaded the Tinder app
Turn ons? Tattoos, great sense of humor, love for great music
Turn offs? Arrogance, big egos, 1 uppers
FMK… Tom, Emily and Eddie? Figure out a puzzle with Emily; Make cookies with Tom; Kickbox with Eddie haha