Source: YouTube

Disturbed have announced that they will be extending their “Take Back Your Life” tour in the States next year. The band will be taking along Falling In Reverse and our good friends in Plush as support. The tour will kick off January 19th in Peoria and unfortunately that will be the closest show near WIIL Rock land.

It was announced yesterday that Dolly Parton will be performing on Thanksgiving Day during the Dallas and Washington game at halftime. Maybe she will play something off her new album “Rockstar” that is set to be released a few days prior. And maybe, just maybe, now hear me out…. I’m not in to 77 year old woman, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her hopping around in Cowboy’s Cheerleader attire! If you know what I’m saying.

And finally, Beartooth have announced a 40 city North American tour to support their new album “The Surface” that dropped last Friday. They will hit the road in January, taking along The Plot In You, Invent Animate, and Sleep Theory, making a stop at The Riveria Theatre in Chicago on Thursday, March 8th.