Source: YouTube

Ghost’s Tobias Forge has confirmed that footage from the band’s recent shows that they played at the Forum in California will be used as part of a future film project. It was rumored that there was a film in the works because once fans showed up, they weren’t allowed to bring their cellphones into the venue. According to Tobias, this film won’t be your typical rockumentary.

So I guess some cranky lady complained at a Whole Foods store recently when she heard Tool’s “Forty Six & 2″playing over the speakers. According to an employee who works there, the woman wasn’t happy that the store would be playing “Death Metal”. Death Metal, c’mon!!! Imagine if the store was playing Obituary or Lorna Shore!!!!

And finally, there is a meteorologist named Chris Michaels in Virginia that likes to sneak metal lyrics into his forecast on T.V. He has snuck in lyrics from Slipknot, Korn, and Bad Omens, just to name a few. If you go over to 95 WIIL Rock, you can see him sneak in lyrics from the song “Just Pretend”.