Tonight for #Midnightallica went with The Shortest Straw from …And Justice For All! However, that’s not the real story tonight.
The real story tonight is the music bed. A music bed is essentially background music that is talked over. For some that is a small thing. Not really important in the scheme of things, but I say that it is very important. It sets the mood.
I reached out to a friend of mine to see if he could craft me something original. Something unique. Something no one has ever heard before to build the #Midnightallica segment up.
The guys in Grazer knocked it out of the park! I was and still am completely blown away by the originality and just pure awesomeness of this little minute and a half bit of music. Recorded in the Roosterbat Studios in Antioch, it’s amazing to me how professional and clean a recording studio in a basement can sound.
If you’re looking to record some music I highly suggest the guys at Roosterbat Studios.
If you’re a singer and looking for a band then look no further than Grazer. It’s the only piece missing from this band right now. Once that final piece is locked in, I expect big things from them.