FLOTD is Justin from Carol Stream
June 12, 2019 8:17AM CDT
FLOTD is Justin from Carol Stream
Occupation? Advance Auto Parts
Relationship status? Married with a kid on the way!
Favorite WIIL Rock band? 10 Years
Hobbies? Running, fishing, family
Favorite position? The 68.. you go down on me, and I owe you one
Celebrity dinner? Chester Bennington
Favorite food? Buffalo Wild Wings
Cocktail of choice? Jack Daniels
Craziest thing you’ve ever done? Moved to TN with 500 bucks and nothing else
Turn ons? Intelligent conversation, free-spirit, spontaneity
Turn offs? Acting dumb, not answering texts
Butt stuff? Nah
FMK… Tom, Emily and Eddie? F Emily; M Tom; K Eddie