Featured Dog Of The Day – George Bailey

Name? George Bailey

Hometown? Kenosha

Breed? Cockerton

Favorite Activity? Humping things

Favorite trick to do? The ones where I get treats

Least favorite trick to do? They put stuff on my nose and I have to wait to eat it… humiliating.

Most embarrassing moment? As if

Favorite person? Kim

Favorite food? Bacon!

Favorite thing to chew on? Carpet (true story)

Should dogs wear costumes? Never

Favorite costume? None

Favorite place to go to the Bathroom (that gets you in trouble)? I’m a good boy

Favorite command to ignore? Come

Celebrity Dog Crush? The bitches come for me

What do you like to hump the most? Everything

Sleep with humans? Yep

Who’s a good dog? I am… when I want to be

Sniff, Lick, Bite (Tom, Emily, Eddie) Yep