FLOTD is Tiara from Carpentersville
April 21, 2020 7:12AM CDT
FLOTD is Tiara from Carpentersville!
Occupation? Patreon
Relationship status? Married
Favorite WIIL Rock band? 5FDP
Hobbies? Modeling and taking pictures of myself
Favorite position? Face r*ding
Cocktails with a celebrity? Vodka with Lady Gaga
Favorite food? Sausage
Favorite 90’s song? All I Have to Give BSB
Most embarrassing moment? Lost my bikini bottoms in Wisc Dells and everyone saw my V
Craziest thing you’ve ever done? Stino has NOTHING on me!
Turn ons? Men
Turn offs? Prison women
FMK… Tom, Emily and Eddie? F Eddie; M Tom