FDOTD – Vinny
Italian Greyhound
Favorite Activity?
I snuggle, I play for 20 mins, then I must snuggle more
Favorite trick to do?
I Listen to human command, look at them then walk away
Favorite person?
My human, Katy
Favorite food?
I love the chicken and cheese
Favorite thing to chew on?
I don’t have teeth anymore, I don’t chew much
Should dogs wear costumes?
If human says so
Favorite costume?
My dinosaur jammies!
Favorite place to go to the Bathroom (that gets you in trouble)?
Literally everywhere
Favorite command to ignore?
All of them unless treats are involved
Sleep with humans?
Yes, little dog… ALL OF THE KING BED
Who’s a good dog?
I is the best!
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