FDOTD – Lady and Foxxy
Lady and Foxxy
Cudahy, wi
Cocker Spaniel and Shibu Inu/Australian shep mix
Favorite Activity?
Playing ball and chewing up everything up
Favorite trick to do?
Ball and chewing everything, barking at everything
Least favorite trick to do?
Most embarrassing moment?
Peeing on the living room floor
Favorite person?
Favorite food?
Whatever the humans have
Favorite thing to chew on?
Should dogs wear costumes?
Yes of course
Favorite costume?
Bat dog , tutu
Favorite place to go to the Bathroom (that gets you in trouble)?
Living room
Favorite command to ignore?
What do you like to hump the most?
The cat
Sleep with humans?
Yes we are the queens of the bed
Who’s a good dog?
Not us!
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